550 research outputs found

    Regulating FinTech: Lessons from Africa

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    Technological innovation in finance (“FinTech”) has been on the rise in recent years, creating new challenges for regulators. These challenges vary significantly depending on the region in question and type of economy, not least because different technologies are applied to tackle different problems. This Article focuses on regulatory frameworks of two leading jurisdictions in terms of FinTech development in Sub-Saharan Africa: Kenya and South Africa. As the developments in the region cannot be analyzed in isolation from the global trends in FinTech regulation, this Article approaches the matter systematically. It starts by clarifying the existing terminology and preparing a comprehensive matrix of various challenges in FinTech regulation: in doing so, it does not take the interests of innovation promotion for granted and adopts a balanced approach, weighing various—often mutually exclusive—considerations against each other. This Article also argues that rule of law challenges, rather than technical problems, remain the key obstacles to adequate FinTech regulation. It then proceeds to discuss the specific regulatory issues in two African jurisdictions that are current regional leaders in the FinTech space—Kenya and South Africa. Finally, this Article concludes by synthesizing a set of recommendations for improving the FinTech regulatory systems in the two countries, in the light of the earlier matrix of regulatory challenges. Many findings in this Article (such as the need for improved methodology of social and economic impact analyses and various policy considerations for structuring the FinTech regulation) are relevant outside the African context and have universal application

    The Evolution of Currency: Cash to Cryptos to Sovereign Digital Currencies

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    After Libra, the e-CNY and COVID-19: the new world of money and payments

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    Facebook’s stable cryptocurrency, COVID-19, and China’s central bank digital currency, the e-CNY, have caused a reorientation of monetary and payment systems around the world. Ross P. Buckley, Douglas W. Arner, Dirk A. Zetzsche, and Anton Didenko envisage three emerging design choices for these systems, reflected in centralised, decentralised and hybrid models. They predict that the advent of national monetary competition through major economies’ sovereign digital currencies will be one of the defining developments of the next decade

    Фильтры СВЧ на основе тонких диэлектрических резонаторов

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    У статті показано принцип створення фільтрів НВЧ на основі тонких діелектричних резонаторів. Представлено варіанти конструкцій таких фільтрів. Описано методику й наведено результати їх теоретичних та експериментальних досліджень.In this paper the principle of microwave filters design based on thin dielectric resonators is presented. Variants of construction of such filters are shown. The technique and the results of theoretical and experimental studies are described.В статье показан принцип создания фильтров СВЧ на основе тонких диэлектрических резонаторов. Представлены варианты конструкций таких фильтров. Описана методика и приведены результаты их теоретических и экспериментальных исследований

    Удельная проводимость композитов металл-полимер в СВЧ диапазоне

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    Досліджено залежність питомої провідності композитів метал-полімер від об'ємної частки дисперсної фази в діапазоні частот 8...12 ГГц. На основі рівнянь Максвелла-Гарнетта і Нільсена отримані моделі залежності питомої провідності структури. Виконано порівняння моделей. Наведено результати числового моделювання та експериментальні дані.The specific conductivity dependence of the metal-polymer composites on dispersed phase volume part in the frequency range 8...12 GHz are investigated. The models of the specific conductivity structure dependence based on equations of Maxwell-Garnett and Nielsen are obtained. The comparison of the models was performed. Results of the numerical modeling and experimental data are shown.Исследована зависимость удельной проводимости композитов металл-полимер от объемной доли дисперсной фазы в диапазоне частот 8...12 ГГц. На основе уравнений Максвелла-Гарнетта и Нильсена получены модели зависимости удельной проводимости структуры. Выполнено сравнение моделей. Приведены результаты численного моделирования и экспериментальные данные

    Економіко-математичне моделювання та прогнозування, розроблення методологічних та методичних засад створення дорожньої карти реформування системи охорони здоров’я в україні з урахуванням поведінкових, соціальних, економічних та правових детермінант

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    Об’єкт роботи – система економічних відносин, що виникають в процесі реформування системи охорони здоров’я в Україні. Метою даної роботи є економіко-математичне моделювання та прогнозування, розроблення методологічних та методичних засад створення дорожньої карти реформування системи охорони здоров’я в Україні у залежності від визначених експериментальним шляхом прихованих поведінкових реакцій населення на економічні, соціальні та правові заходи реалізації положень медичної реформи. Результатом роботи є побудовані математичні моделі, які кількісно описують існуючі в Україні взаємозв’язки поведінкових, соціальних, економічних та правових вимірів реформування системи охорони здоров’я з урахуванням їх системної взаємодії, синергетичних явних та латентних ефектів, методологія та інструментарій визначення інтегрального рівня здоров’я регіону, логарифмічна модель залежності між рівнем громадського здоров’я населення та економічними, соціальними та поведінковими детермінантами розвитку економіки, модель поведінки споживачів у сегменті здорових продуктів

    Challenges to effective treaty-making in contemporary transnational commercial law: lessons from the Cape Town Convention

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    This thesis is the first detailed and comprehensive research of the history of the 2001 Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment (the 'Convention' or 'CTC') and its protocols. It is submitted that the quality of response to the various challenges of the treaty-making process can serve as a measure of a convention's success, and that the unique characteristics of the CTC make it a prime target for such research. The author identifies and analyses the most problematic issues in the process of development of the Convention and its protocols, including the latest draft protocol on mining, agricultural and construction equipment. This research focuses on the documentary history of the CTC and its Aircraft Protocol (as the only protocol currently in force), relying primarily on the materials published by UNIDROIT and other international organisations, and shows that not all of the challenges found an adequate response in the Convention. Nonetheless, the shortcomings pale in comparison with the Convention's achievements: the CTC has created a highly effective machinery for regulating international interests in mobile assets. The author does not perform empirical ex post analysis of implementation of the Cape Town Convention, but this thesis will form a solid background for such research in the future. This study, apart from its scholarly importance, has clear practical value: its conclusions (including a number of treaty-making lessons originating from this research) can assist governmental officials, representatives of international organisations and legal advisors (both external and internal) participating in the treaty-making process and, it is hoped, will strengthen he attractiveness of conventions as an instrument of harmonising commercial law in the future.</p

    Challenges to effective treaty-making in contemporary transnational commercial law: lessons from the Cape Town Convention

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    This thesis is the first detailed and comprehensive research of the history of the 2001 Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment (the 'Convention' or 'CTC') and its protocols. It is submitted that the quality of response to the various challenges of the treaty-making process can serve as a measure of a convention's success, and that the unique characteristics of the CTC make it a prime target for such research. The author identifies and analyses the most problematic issues in the process of development of the Convention and its protocols, including the latest draft protocol on mining, agricultural and construction equipment. This research focuses on the documentary history of the CTC and its Aircraft Protocol (as the only protocol currently in force), relying primarily on the materials published by UNIDROIT and other international organisations, and shows that not all of the challenges found an adequate response in the Convention. Nonetheless, the shortcomings pale in comparison with the Convention's achievements: the CTC has created a highly effective machinery for regulating international interests in mobile assets. The author does not perform empirical ex post analysis of implementation of the Cape Town Convention, but this thesis will form a solid background for such research in the future. This study, apart from its scholarly importance, has clear practical value: its conclusions (including a number of treaty-making lessons originating from this research) can assist governmental officials, representatives of international organisations and legal advisors (both external and internal) participating in the treaty-making process and, it is hoped, will strengthen he attractiveness of conventions as an instrument of harmonising commercial law in the future.</p

    The Evolution of Currency: Cash to Cryptos to Sovereign Digital Currencies

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